What to think of?

Because i'm to busy to remember what i had for breakfast

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Location: United States

My good points: I'm dependable, trustworthy, loyal, and funny. My bad points: I'm loud, get annoyed easily by lazy people, and i'm blunt!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Another day, another disappointment

The house swapping thing...Didn't work! Oh well, just proves to me that I should do what I want without considering others! You try to be good in your life and some people just think you're out to get them! I'm selling both houses and getting the one that my husband and I have dreamt about! Beautiful house! I can't wait. We know the owner and he's giving us a great deal. On Thursday we're going to talk about our options and iron out all the kinks! Then I'll call the people who gave me an offer on the Miami house and work out a deal with them.

On another note, we hired a live musician today to play 3 nights a week at our restaurant! He seems to be a nice guy and really knows what he's talking about! He knows over 2000 songs! He's a one man band! I look forward to see what kind of business he can bring us!

I learned some disturbing news on Sunday about someone that I really love. I couldn't believe my ears. I'm hurt and shocked! I am so weak at times... I'm confronting this person tomorrow! It's not something that I feel safe writing about so I'll just keep this as a self reminder!

Anyhow, I'm done for today and hopefully will be able to repost tomorrow!


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